Thursday, 29 March 2012

Solgar Whey Protein Powder Recipe Book

Have you ever wondered how to cook with protein? Did you know you could? The health-supporting assets of whey have been appreciated for centuries. According to an expression from florence, Italy, circa 1650, "Chi vuol viver sano e lesto beve scotta e cena presto" (if you want to live a healthy and active life, drink whey and dine early).

Although traditionally seen as a food for athletes and sports people, more and more people are starting to recognise the value of whey protein. From children to seniors, the whole family can take advantage of this tasty natural food.

Solgar Whey to Go Protein Powder is an all-natural milk-derived, high-quality protein source that is low in fat and calories. It is free of artificial flavours and sweeteners, salt and starch. Additionally, it is manufactured from cows not treated with rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone).

Solgar Whey to Go Protein Powder is available in three delicious flavours:

- Natural Vanilla flavour
- Natural Chocolate flavour
- Natural Strawberry flavour

The protein powder is rich in L-Glutamine, mixes easily and can be added to both food and drink. It is also suitable for vegetarians.

Solgar Whey to Go Protein Powder is a delicious and versatile ingredient that can be used to enhance the nutritional value of many dishes. It can be incorporated into smoothies, pancakes, muffins and many more dishes.

Contents of the book
[4] Solgar Whey to Go Protein Powder
[6] All about Protein
[10] Whey protein and your health
[14] Cooking with whey protein
[15] Healthy ingredients
[21] Whey of Life recipe index
[23] Smoothies and Shakes
[39] Breakfast dishes
[49] Biscuits
[57] Muffins
[67] Bars and Sweet treats
[77] Desserts


To buy this product click on the following link: You can also view this product at our Solgar Health Store website.

If you wish to speak to a customer advisor, you can telephone us on 01208 814500 for further information. We're always there to help.

Monday, 26 March 2012


Many of you may have noticed the increasing attention being given to the importance of vitamin D3 in the media in the last few months. According to the government Chief Medical Officer, it is known that a significant proportion of people in the UK have inadequate levels of vitamin D3 in their blood. Our hospitals are now seeing regular cases of rickets among children, a disease we thought had been eradicated nearly 100 years ago.

So what’s the problem? We all have a healthy, balanced diet, haven’t we? No one is exactly sure why this is happening apart from the fact that we spend too much time indoors and when we go out into the sun, we lather sunscreen on ourselves due to fear of skin cancer. I think it must be more than that. But whatever the reason, the reality is we have a major epidemic on our hands.

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF VITAMIN D3 DEFICIENCY? There is no clear pattern of symptoms. Although vitamin D3 deficiency is classically associated with bone health, low levels have more recently been associated with increased risk of common cancers (especially breast, prostate and colon cancer), Type 2 diabetes, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and psoriasis. Vitamin D3 may protect people, especially those with asthma and other chronic lung conditions, from colds and other respiratory tract infections, according to the largest study to date to look at the link. Here are some of the more common symptoms of deficiency:

· Fatigue
· Depression
· General muscle pain and cramps
· Joint pain and other chronic pain
· High blood pressure
· Restless sleep
· Poor concentration
· Headaches
· Bladder problems
· Constipation or diarrhea

WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT? An adult would need to eat 2-4 serving of wild salmon per day or spend about an hour in bright sunshine every day – naked, no sunscreen allowed - in order to get enough vitamin D3. Well, that’s not going to happen, is it? An easier way to ensure adequate intake for you and your family is simply to take a good quality supplement. That is where we can help: at Elixir we have a fantastic bargain, with Quest 1000iu Vitamin D3 on special offer at the moment. Just one or two tablets a day will be adequate for most people, although you can safely take a higher treatment dosage if required.

This is a vitamin you should be taking when pregnant, as it has been shown to dramatically reduce premature births and infection rates, and is also important when breast feeding. There are no contraindications or drug interactions when used according to instructions, but consult your healthcare professional before taking if you are concerned.

To buy this product, click on the following link Quest Vitamin D3. If you wish to speak to a customer adviser, you an telephone us on 01208 814500 for further information.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Solgar Vitamin D3

Vitamin D helps to build and maintain strong bones and muscles. Vitamin D is also supportive to the immune system and has many other vital uses in our general health. Furthermore, scientists have discovered that they have underestimated the strengths we have been previously advised to take vitamin D and consequently much greater potencies are recommended, depending upon need.

Vitamin D is unique among essential nutrients, in that it is a vitamin that transforms into a hormone. Like other hormones it functions as a chemical messenger within a feedback cycle responsible for regulating certain bodily functions.

It has many applications, such as helping calcium absorbition, rickets, general bone health, osteoporosis, during pregnancy, and a host of other uses.

Rickets has been in the news a lot recently among young people because we've taught them to cover up in the sun and to splash on the sunblocker. Deficiency of vitamin D during childhood leads to the development of rickets. Rickets may show itself as early as two months of age, when "craniotabes" (areas of softening on the skull) are noted. Production of the first teeth may be delayed and the posture affected. Rickets also produces enlargement at the end of long bones, resulting in characteristic bowing of the legs when the child starts to walk. The vitamin is made in the skin by the action of sunlight on cholesterol and it said 10-15 minutes exposure is good for us. However, that is easier said than done in many countries where reliable sunshine isn't the norm, especially in winter.

Apart from infants and young people, there are certain categories of people who are theoretically much more likely to be at risk of vitamin D deficiency and who may therefore need to supplement with this nutrient. These include:

- Vegetarians and especially vegans (Vitamin D is found mostly in animal and dairy products).
- Asian and African women and children who may not eat many vitamin D containing foods and who choose to cover up their skin.
- Pregnant and lactating women whose breast-milk can be low in vitamin D especially during the winter.
- The housebound elderly with a tendency to eat poorly.
- Nordic races where sunshine isn't available for certain months in the year.

The D3 form of Vitamin D which is sold by Solgar is the most absorbable form of Vitamin D available. Solgar sells a wide variety of vitamin D3 products, suitable for vegetarians and non-vegetarians and they come in many different strengths, according to need as well as a tasty liquid variety.

To buy this product click on the following link: Solgar Health Store. You can also view this product at our website, where we also sell a big range of other branded products. If you wish to speak to a customer advisor, you can telephone us on 01208 814500 for further information. We're always there to help.

Monday, 5 March 2012


STRESS is everywhere these days it seems. It can come from mental, emotional or physical strain and can be caused by anxiety or overwork. We can all feel different degrees of stress at times, but as I keep telling anyone who cares to listen to me, it’s not what happens to you in life but how you deal with it that matters. And balancing your lifestyle can prevent stress from leading to more serious health issues.

At Elixir, we have always been very fond of Solgar’s Rhodiola, a herb used for balancing both mental and physical stress. Solgar has now improved the original version, introducing their Balance Rhodiola Complex. In addition to Rhodiola, this mixture now contains a host of other botanical herbs and nutrients that are well researched and have been shown to support human health.

Rhodiola is an incredibly versatile plant. Many of the benefits are related to its function as an adaptogen, or a compound that increases the body’s resistance to any type of stress. It is also known to increase stamina – it’s not called nature’s Viagra for no reason! In fact, after the iron curtain came down, it was found Russian athletes had been dosing up on Rhodiola for years, with no fear of being caught out in drug trials, in order to increase their athletic performance. Additionally, it is also fantastic for short term memory and sharpening concentration.

In trials carried out on medical students during their first two weeks of night duty, significant improvements in physical fitness, mental performance and general well-being were demonstrated. Subjects receiving the Rhodiola extract reported statistically significant reductions in mental fatigue, improved sleep patterns, a reduced need for sleep, greater mood stability and greater motivation.

Another ingredient in Solgar’s Balance Rhodiola Complex is Siberian ginseng, which increases tolerance to various stressors. By regulating adrenal hormones, this herb helps to normalise the way the body responds to stress triggers.

There is also Liquorice root extract, which counteracts the effects of adrenal hormone deficiency, and Roman chamomile extract which has been used for centuries to enhance feelings of calmness and relaxation. Magnesium is a key nutrient involved in proper nerve impulse transmission, and helps relax tense muscles. Also included in this formula you will find vitamins B3, B5, B6 and C, tyrosine, spinach, kelp, pumpkin seed powder, broccoli, rosemary leaf extract and montmorency cherry, all working together to keep you calm and focussed.

So, if you want to feel less stressed, have better quality sleep, feel more energetic with sharpened concentration and better short term memory, give this one a go! For a limited period, we have special packs with free de-stress essential oil with every purchase so now is a great time to try it for yourself. Balance Rhodiola Complex is suitable for most people, so long as you are not pregnant or breast feeding. If you take other medication you should consult your health professional first.

To buy this product click on the following link: You can also view this product at our Solgar Health Store website. If you wish to speak to a customer advisor, you can telephone us on 01208 814500 for further information. We're always there to help.

By Randi Henderson
Elixir Health Foods