Saturday, 28 April 2012


Well, happy May everyone! What do you reckon, dear reader, will we get to see the sun this year, or will it be another ‘barbecue’ summer again? Either way, this is the time we all start looking at those shortie shorts in the cupboard, wondering if they still pull over the knees.

If you’d like to shed a few pounds in preparation, we can help you at Elixir with a brilliant new product from Solgar called Thermogenic Complex, with a lot of exciting ingredients. As the name suggests, it works by burning fat, ie raising the metabolism and utilising brown fat cells as energy to support this metabolic increase.

We have two kinds of fatty tissues in our bodies, brown (‘good’ fat) and white (‘bad’ fat). Simply put, stimulating brown fat encourages the burning of calories and therefore the reduction of stored white fat.

Solgar’s Thermogenic Complex contains the following compounds, which have been comprehensively researched for their thermogenic properties.

Green Coffee Extract: Green (unroasted) coffee beans may not taste like your normal coffee, but they have higher levels of a compound found to reduce post-meal glucose levels, as well as reducing the absorption of different types of sugars from the gastrointestinal tract. Solgar uses a decaffeinated type of green coffee called Svetol, which is particularly effective.

Green Tea: Green tea stimulates thermogenisis within brown fatty tissue, thus increasing caloric expenditure and reducing weight. It helps to reduce fat cell proliferation, decreasing body and fat mass, and also inhibits fat absorbtion. At the same time, green tea has been found to increase the breakdown of fats.

Cayenne: Capsaicin, the active compound in cayenne pepper, binds to receptors in the central nervous system, triggering the body to burn more fat resulting in weight loss.

Black Pepper: Piperine, the extract from black pepper, stimulates fat loss by increasing metabolism, as well as having the ability to make other compounds more bioavailable to the body (in other words, it makes all the other ingredients work better).

Chromium: Chromium enhances metabolism in brown fat tissues and increases the sensitivity of cell receptors to insulin, which helps stabilise blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings.

Choline, Inositol and Methionine: These are lipotropic agents and as such are involved in regulating the build up of fat within the liver.

So there you have it – all the ingredients with one purpose in mind: removing those wobbly bits so you’ll look good in your shorts this summer (or maybe even bikini!). You will obviously get best results if the supplement is combined with a healthy diet and exercise, but you should still get noticeable results by simply adding this simple food supplement to your daily regime.

To buy this product click on the following link: You can also view this product at our Solgar Health Store website. If you wish to speak to a customer advisor, you can telephone us on 01208 814500 for further information. We're always there to help.

By Randi Henderson
Elixir Health Foods

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